Cyprus 🇨🇾 to Jordan 🇯🇴













End of day Themis and I would go Larnaca but we went to airport direct as I couldn’t woke up morning 🤣



And the weather was perfect!! Sun shined us very much. Oh.. why end day... it’s too hot...




Thanks Themis!!



See you in Japan next March!!Cyprus airport has strong WiFi



I checked flight schedule board what I went to check in counter and tried to put my luggage. 



Where is my counter?? I looked up it.







My flight will depart 2:45pm!!!



I got here before 3h.... omg.. we could hung out in Larnaca...shit...



But Cyprus airport WiFi is very strong. So I’ll check my schedule in Jordan 🇯🇴 



Jordan is third Arabian country. My purpose is going to Petra. Otherwise Dead Sea and Hummus....



So I checked in. When my luggage’s were gotten security check, water was gone😭😭😭 However food was saved.






Come on Cyprus!!! Other countries doesn’t care_| ̄|○



At first airplane headed to Athenae. 







Transit was 6h but I’m poor so I didn’t go out side lol



In front of the gate which is going to Amman, they check passport and ticket again. Even when I was waiting there, another guy came and checked. Too much security !! I’m not terrorist!!!



11:45pm departed.



2guys Behind me was always talking with large voices... 



Out flight is in night!!! Many people were sleeping!!! Que idiots!!!






2:00am I arrived Amman. Somehow Japanese people doesn’t need visa with paying. It was easy to pass immigration.


Of course this night was in airport .






What happens in Jordan? 


