bite meat 🍖!!














When school finished at 2:00pm, all teachers went to eat lunch.



Actually somehow funny principal invited me to eat student lunch, I already filled.


Lunch was in one of teachers home where it’s nearby school.


As there were many people, we separated man and woman.




What a celebration!!??




Oh... too much meals... however I’m glad to be able to eat rice..



Men Teachers . My left teacher is principal. He always called me “Hayata!! Hayata!!” Almost 😂



Despite of one dish for one person, everyone gave me meal!! My dish also has what they gave..



OMG! They seemed to try to let my stomach explode...






After stomach training, we took a tea time. While talking, they spoke by Kurdish. But One teacher and I can’t speak Kurdish. Even I can’t speak Turkish as well haha 😂 



When we cameback Diyarbakir, Bahar And Satou and I went to Another famous place in Diyarbakir.



This place is little bit far away from center. But I saw there is bus.









Sitting in Cafe and tea. Bahar said Turkish blood is made of Tea😂 I agree this opinion. They are addicted it as like Argentinismo drink Mate every day.



How about you? What is your blood made of ?? I think Japanese blood is made of green tea 🍵 





This Area where I am is Kurdish area. Actually Japanese government say don’t go Diyarbakir or such a Kurdish area. But people are very warm. I quite prefer to stay here:) I want to try to stay here as long as possible(゚∀゚)



Dinner was Diyarbakir typical meal!!


Giai? Jiai? Something like that haha. I forgot name!!






Taste is like liver. I like it. Also I dipped it with bread in source. It was so spicy for me 🌶!!



They say it’s normal for us...



Heeey!! Why many people prefer spicy food!! I was eating and sweating!!! Is it hammam??



トルコの南東部の飯は辛いらしい。余計なことを……辛くしなくても十分うめーのに_:(´ཀ`」 ∠):



When I and Satou ware in home, I learned to play Turkish guitar 🎸.






Ohhh!! How difficult!! I have to practice too much😭