let’s go Hasankeyf 👍👍


















So I visited Hasankeyf . Hasankeyf is one of famous place in South East Turkey. But I think it’s not famous and I didn’t know about it lol



I woke up at 6:30am.






Then I started to hitchhike.



At first one car took me until Bismil. Then he dropped me in front of police check. Driver friend seems to work here, so I eat breakfast with police.



When I told how I like Kurdish, such a boss said “No Kurdish!! Here is Turkey!!!”




oops !!!




I’ve forgotten than I must not talk about Kurdish in front of public workers as police, army, etc...



I switched my brain quickly, and said “Oh! Yeah! I know it’s unofficial hahahahaha😅😅😅🤪😒🤪🤩🤩💩💩💩”



Actually mostly Turkish people don’t like Kurdish but I LOVE Kurdish people イェ━━━━━ヽ( ゚Д゚)人(゚Д゚ )ノ━━━━━━ィ



After eating, police made elegant bus stop and I took. 



Thanks police haha






So I arrived Batman. Yes Batman is town name 🦇 



Batman is just town. Not so interesting for me..







I went out soon and headed to Hasankeyf.



Hasankeyf was cloudy but I saw many tourists who is from Turkish. And one guide said me “many Korean often come here”



So I think Korean people know this places.










Unfortunately main castle was closed 😭



When I was walking with sad face😔 , one family invited me to eat together.



Thanks !!








I got nap nap for one hour on the rock. During sleeping, the sun showed up. So I could sleep deeply.






Broken park😂



Hasankeyf people are so kindly. I was invited to eat or cafe every 10min!!!



But I had to comeback Diyalbakir same day, sometimes I declined their offer... I wish I spent time with them...



When I arrived Batman from Hasankeyf, I couldn’t catch car which goes to Diyalbakir... Erbil was easier than here(゚∀゚)



Then one Moto Driver told me where is Hitchhike point.



Just as I thought it’s a lie however I followed him. He told me Hitchhike point is in big circle. Well there are many people but it’s just big circle in town!!



But I could get soon lol



They took me until Bismil. When I arrived there, almost sun disappeared and I couldn’t get!!!



OMG... how can I go back....



Then many people helped me to stop car. Thanks!!!! I was so glad however we couldn’t lol



One big bus came and we stopped it to do our best!!



“Oh!! I don’t have money!! I’m doing hitchhike!!”



“No!! No problem HAYATO !! Ride it!!”



“Seriously??? Ok I go”



Then I rode it, somehow worker pass through me🤣



“what happen!?” I asked man next to me.



He said “no problem. It’s ok”



....Çok Teşekkürler 🙏



Somehow I could get bus again lol