
ラーメン紹介 「としおか」

お久しぶりです!Titoです! 今日も日本語で書きます! Hello! how are you guys!! I'm sorry I will write by Japanese in this time. I introduce about Ramen . I suppose you may enjoy as you see and understand even only pictures 最近は雨がザーザ…


今回は日本語です。 This article is written by Japanese . It's about my recommend ramen shop in Tokyo. ちょっと用事が東京駅の方にあったので朝から電車に揺られて向かった。そこで食ったラーメンが旨かったから紹介します!! ラーメン『』@神田 9:00…

How is corona?!

Hola!Hola!Hola!!! Como está todos!? How is going my friends!? It's long time to no writing this blog. Do you remember what I wrote blog?lol I guess you're boring in this time. Because of...... CORONA What are you doing? me? I'm drinking SA…