Don’t cheat me 😂














ギニア ビザ ダカール

As I succeeded to increase pages of passport, I went to get new visa.



the country is....








By the way their flag is this →🇬🇳.




Western Africa country’s flags are very similar.



Senegal 🇸🇳

Mari 🇲🇱

Guinea 🇬🇳

Cameroun 🇨🇲

Guinea-Bissau 🇬🇼

Benin 🇧🇯





How remember (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)






Well, I have to care if I use these flag. 



So I headed to Guinea embassy. 




Japanese restaurant. 



Senegal has a lots green than Mauritania haha.







Such a these situation made me happy. Look carefully there are butterfly 🦋🦋!!



The embassy is small. Security doesn’t wear an uniform. It seemed to be general person.Thats why I thought they wanna get money after escort me at first. When they asked me why you come here, I told a reason and they took me where I should go. Not only they didn’t say anything but also gave me just smile!!



OMG.... this country also will make me enjoy ...




something list.. I can’t read French _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):



One diplomat who looks like love money face 🤑 explained about visa by French.



Although I even told I can’t speak French , he told me Just more big voice.



Je ne comprends pas ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



I don’t understand all.



I tired to listen what he said carefully and picked several words which is similar to spanish. It was struggling to think... I have to French....



I could choose one or two times entry in Guinea. I chose one entry. Then he said price “60000CFA



What!!?? 60000cfa!!??



Before I come, I’ve already checked it on internet. It shows 50000cfa. Strange!!!



While I was thinking, he said “money,money,money ....”




This is quite suspiciousヽ( ・∀・)ノ=💩💩💩



I confirmed this price is one entry or not. Then he asked me “you wanna get today or tomorrow!!??”




Oh?? Why he suddenly asked about it??



I don’t wanna get as soon as possible. I have time. Not necessary to make visa until tomorrow.



He said “it cost you 50000cfa.”




Hey, Don’t make it express way arbitrarily.







Guinea diplomat.... (゜ε゜) boo!!



I paid exactly price (?). If there is someone who paid under 50000cfa, tell me.



I passed apply paper and 2phots of visa too. If he didn’t cheat you, procedure is easy.






When I came back to home, I stopped by supermarket.




Beer 🍺!!




Beer 🍺!!



I wanna drink....🤤